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In 2016 the event focused on personal transformation through mindfulness meditation and importantly looked at the contra-indication associated with mindfulness practice, guest speaker Dr. Miguel Farais who specialises in the study of spiritual practices and beliefs.

Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak

The Flame's national events are revolutionising health and wellness. Mindfulness and Personal Transformation was the fourth successive mindfulness event and in 2016 we highlighted on how individuals embark on a personal transformation process through mindfulness meditation.


The event included a talk from expert speaker Dr. Miguel Farias who specialises in the study of spiritual practices and beliefs. He has a doctorate in Experimental Psychology from Oxford University, an MA on the Study of Religious Experience from the University of Wales, and currently leads the Brain, Belief, and Behaviour Group at Coventry University. He is the co-author of ‘The Buddha Pill: Can Meditation Change You?”, a book that explores and challenges ideas about the benefits of meditation and Dav Panesar, one of the pioneers of mindfulness based intervention in health and personal development, explored the process of personal transformation, side effects associated with mindfulness as well as the growth indicators. In addition the event included real life case studies sharing their transformational experiences, challenges and discovering solutions.


Dr. Miguel Farias specialises in the study of spiritual practices and beliefs and Dav Panesar, one of the pioneers of mindfulness based intervention in health and personal development, explored the process of personal transformation, side effects associated with mindfulness as well as the growth indicators.

Every year we will give people the chance to be part of a unique and rewarding experience. The event offers individuals a chance to transform their life with right-mindfulness-based practices. It is a privilege to be able to host these events, especially at such a prestigious and iconic venue like Coventry Cathedral, and to have leading world experts and pioneers

Pushy, Coventry

Mindfulness & Personal Transformation 2016

Mindfulness & Personal Transformation 2016

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